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Author: Local Digital

Last updated: 2025-03-05

Complete your self-assessment

Guidance on how to complete the CAF for local government self-assessment of your organisation and critical systems.

Evidence to provide for organisational self-assessment
A list of evidence your council can use to support your self-assessment for objectives A and D.

Critical systems self-assessment

More guidance on how to complete the self-assessment of your critical systems is due to be available in spring 2025.

Evidence to provide for critical systems self-assessment
A list of evidence your council can use to support your self-assessment for objectives B and C.

Guidance for both self-assessments

How to use the indicators of good practice

Guidance on how to use the indicators of good practice (IGPs) during your self-assessment.

What a good self-assessment looks like

Ways your council can make sure your self-assessment includes the information an independent assurer is looking for.

Useful links and resources

Useful resources to help you understand the principles behind the CAF for local government and how to improve your cyber resilience.

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