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Author: Local Digital

Last updated: 2024-11-25

About your assurance report

What the CAF for local government report you receive from your independent assurer will include.

What an assurance report contains

Once your independent assurer has reviewed your CAF self-assessment workbook, they will share an assurance report. This will include:

  • an executive summary
  • a detailed review of the self-assessment and assurance process
  • confirmation of which outcomes your council is achieving
  • a record of audit which provides a detailed review of the self-assessment, and the indicators of good practice you are achieving
  • recommendations that can be used for your improvement and implementation plan
  • recommendations that can be used for an executive presentation to share findings with your senior leadership and management team

Discuss findings with your independent assurer

After you have received your report, you will have a chance to discuss the findings and recommendations with your independent assurer.

Your assurer will contact you to schedule this in.

Review recommendations as a team

It is a good idea to discuss these findings and recommendations with your CAF team.

The report is a useful tool to show where your council is currently achieving good cyber resilience, and where you might need to focus future efforts.

Using recommendations to make improvements

You can use the recommendations and suggested next steps within the report to prioritise improvements to your council’s cyber security.

This is where you will see the biggest benefit of the CAF.

Create your improvement and implementation plan

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