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Government Cyber Advisory Board – expressions of interest

Applications closed

The application window closed on 1 December 2024

The Government Cyber Security Strategy (GCSS) was launched in January 2022, outlining the vision to ensure that core government functions are resilient to cyber attack, strengthening the UK as a sovereign nation and cementing its authority as a democratic and responsible cyber power.

The Government Cyber Advisory Board (GCAB) is a body comprised of independent external experts, building better links between Government, the private sector and academia. The GCAB brings independent perspectives and input from experts across industry and academia into providing solutions to the challenges of Government cyber security, through rigorous challenge and driving best practices.

GCAB provides us with a diverse array of voices and perspectives to support us deliver our strategy – we are now looking to recruit new members to the board to help us along this path.

The objectives of the GCAB are to:

  • support the government to keep on track to achieve the Government Cyber Security Strategy’s (GCSS) aim of ensuring all government organisations across the whole public sector are resilient to known vulnerabilities and attack methods no later than 2030
  • identify solutions and proposals, leveraging industry expertise, on how to achieve the GCSS’s 24 outcomes
  • aid the long-term improvement of Government Cyber Security by providing advice, expertise and guidance
  • bring depth and experience across multiple fields with a diversity of viewpoints to improve policy-making by providing solutions to particular problems and challenges
  • provide a unique perspective from industry, academia and research on challenges that might be on the horizon

Membership requirements


The Government Cyber Advisory Board gathers individual expertise in cyber security from industry and academia. We are not seeking expressions of interest from organisations, although we welcome candidates who can leverage the knowledge and experience that comes from their organisations themselves. 

Candidates must have specific cyber security professional expertise, competence or knowledge with regard to the areas covered in the GCSS, including:

  • Cyber Security Strategy, Standards and Assurance
  • Governance, Risk and Management 
  • Programme delivery
  • Cyber detection and response
  • Technology
  • Cyber Skills and Culture 

The GCAB is particularly keen to bring independent perspectives and input from the following fields: Cyber Policy (in industry), Incident Response, Digital Forensics, working with other governments and/or the wider public sector, Artificial Intelligence, offensive cyber skills, manufacturing and academia into providing solutions to the challenges of government cyber security, through rigorous challenge and driving best practices across government.

The GCAB meets quarterly, with allocated focus groups meeting on an informal basis. We will provide hybrid facilitiies, however as in-person attendance is encouraged, there may be requirements to attend in person in London. 


His Majesty’s Government embraces and values diversity in all forms. We welcome and pride ourselves on the positive impact diversity has on the work we do, and we promote equality of opportunity throughout the organisation. We therefore encourage applications from the widest range of qualified groups.

Application process

To apply, you must submit a CV and cover letter (1,000 words maximum) to

In your cover letter, you should set out:

  • your reasons for applying for the Government Cyber Security Advisory Board
  • how you meet the requirements set out under Eligibility.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 11.59pm on Sunday, 1 December 2024.

If you have any queries about this process, email

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